Dienstag, 26. Januar 2010


Should Students Be Paid to Do Well in School?

Some high school students in France will be paid in exchange for attending classes on a regular basis.

This is exactly what's happening in a pilot program in France that started this month at three vocational high schools in disadvantaged suburds of Paris. Accounts will be set up for two classes containing around $3000 apiece. If the students maintain good attendance records and reach performance targets agreed upon with their teachers, reward payments will be added to their class account. But here's the catch: students can't go and spend the money on a new iPod or an Xbox but can only use it to finance a school-related project or endeavor. Philippe Vrand, president of Public School Students group: "...We should spend this money making sure vocational students can get into the programs they want. Instead, students are being paid off ot compensate [for] their boredom." In the US more than a dozen states have started rewarding students with cash for improved test scores and enrollment in advanced-placement courses. adapted from TIME, Oct.09

What do you think? A good idea or a complete waste of money? Should money play such an important role in schools?

11 Kommentare:

  1. This a good idea because it will make it so students can buy things at their school without having to spend thier owm money or their parents money. The students will work harder to achieve their goals so they will have more money to themselves while still focussing on school. It's pretty stupid that you wouldn't be able to keep the money, but it's still cool.

  2. To me, this is a very good idea, it will give ver good insentive to show up and actually learn.I admit it sounds wrong to do this (bribing kids to learn), but it sounds very affective. I believe that this idea could work, as long as they only give the stundents a little money for education for doing great on their tests. It will make kids strive to learn and maybe help them become more responsible.

    What do you guys think about it???

  3. I agree with the article because if a student gets good grades and has financial problems, I don't think they deserve not to miss a school function because they can't afford it. I think the reward, getting money, is a great idea and will help students or bribe students to do better in school to succeed more. I think a lot of the problems now with kids not doing well in school are more of the kids with financial problems. And since those kids have financial problems they think that can't succeed in school because they can't do things that other kids can do. But if they got money for having good grades to use towards their academics they would be willing to do better.
    For example; I was in student government last year, which is a class that plans school activities and we brainstormed ways for people to do better on their CSAP scores. So we bribed kids by telling them if they improved by so much or did fantastic on CSAP then they would recieve 50 dollars. and that persuaded students to do better on CSAP which they did.
    So, in my opinion I think it's a bribery. What do you thing?

  4. I think this idea is a complete waste of money, you cant even use the money on things that a high schooler would want, therefore it would be just like going to school without getting paid. schools have tight enough budgets, and adding another three thousand dollars to each class room would cost an extreme amount of money and cut more money from stuff that actually matters.

  5. I think this is a great idea because it motivates kids to get better grades in school and also show up which means in the future when there out of school we will have smarter people running this world and many new things could be invented. Also, sense you can only use the money for school it does save the student money on supplies but, also will make project nicer because they don’t have to worry about using there own money on supplies and the extra things that make projects more exciting.

  6. I'm not really sure what to think of this idea. On the one hand, it definitely will motivate pupils to strive for better achievements, and financing the school projects with the class account is a great idea since it will make them so much easier to realise.
    But on the other hand, I don't know how they plan to finance this. Schools struggle often enough with their budget, like Erik already said, and this idea will cost an enormous amount of money so that it's nearly impossible to realise it, although it would absolutely be useful.

  7. I think, the idea of investing more in school has always a useful effect. Especially when it motivates the students to do more for school! And then, as everybody knows, it follows that you get better grades, then a better job, and then you lead a more comfortable life.
    The government often spends money without sense, so it won't hurt to give a bit money to people, who can USE it.

  8. In my opinion it's a good idea to pay students in school if they're doing well because such a thing would motivate kids with bad grades to study harder so that they could get good grades and money.
    It's also a good thing for families which haven't enough money to buy all the school stuff.So the students could buy it with the earned money from the good grades.

  9. It does motivate kids to want to succeed. It doesn't necessarily mean they will succeed. But, it's a good idea to motivate people. :) Which is always a good thing for the future.

  10. I agree with Laura, because it really seems as if the money that the government has is going to waste. So they should give it to the schools so that it could be used in a better situation.

  11. I agree with Laura. The money will motivate kids and later in life, if they do well in school, they will have a better life. If people have good paying jobs they will live more comfortabley.
